Serbske ludowe zastupnistwo
Sorbische/wendische Volksvertretung
Sorbian/Wendish People’s Representation

The committees prepare the substantial work of the Serbski Sejm. In addition to the deputies, every Sorbian can work in the committees. The respective spokepersons will be pleased to provide further information.

Committee on Election


Tomaš Čornak (spokesperson), Aneta Zahrodnikowa, Günter Thiele, Hagen Domaška, Hanka Wjeselina, Jadwiga Pjacec, Jakob Čornak, Johannes Heimrath, Juliane Rudloff, Jurij Krawc, Kerstin Zahrodnikec, Měrćin Krawc, Rainer Vogel, Tomaš Wornar

Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs


Hajko Kozel (spokesperson), Hanzo Wylem-Keł, Měrćin Krawc, Hanka Selmer, Měrćin Wałda, Peter Kroh, Hagen Domaška, Gerat Šram, Alexander Drescher, Andreas Mroß, Klara Nagel, Kay Sobe, Benedikt Dyrlich, Tomaš Wornar

Committee on Culture


Jan Kosyk (spokesperson), Hagen Domaška, Benedikt Dyrlich, Christine Ruby

Committee on Education


Aneta Zahrodnikowa (spokesperson), Christiana Piniekowa, Edith Pjenkowa, Hagen Domaška, Hajko Kozel, Hańžka Wjeselic, Hanzo Wylem-Keł, Ilona Urbanojc, Měrćin Krawc,  Kerstin Zahrodnikec, Kay Zoba, Viktor Zakar, Jadwiga Pjacec, Jurij Krawc, Měrćin Wałda, Tomaš Čornak

Committee on IT


Tomaš Wornar (spokesperson), Jan Kosyk, Jurij Krawc, Hagen Domaška, Ilona Urbanojc

Petition committee

Citizens have the opportunity to submit petitions in writing or by email. After formal examination by the Petitions Committee, it submits the petitions as motions to the Serbski Sejm. Petitioners have the right to be heard on their petition in the Serbski Sejm.


Jan Kosyk (spokesperson), Hagen Domaška

Committee on Public Relations

The Public Relations Committee disseminates decisions, documents, proposals and ideas of the Serbski Sejm among the Sorbian people and is also the first contact for the media. It has the task of establishing connections with all media and of communicating and explaining the activities of the Sorbian people's representation.


Jadwiga Pjacec (spokesperson), Hajko Kozel, Jurij Krawc, Viktor Zakar, Měrćin Krawc, Alfons Wićas, Hanka Wjeselina

Committee on Regional Development and Economy


Hanzo Wylem-Keł (spokesperson), Dirk Pawlik, Heiko Bengelstorff, Kito Pjenk, Edith Pjenkowa, Carola Geppertowa, Ignac Wjesela, Günther Thiele, Henryk Matuš, Kay Sobe, Udo Nykuš

Committee on Transformation Process

This committee has the task of promoting, accompanying and protecting the progressive development of the Serbski Sejm into a consensus-oriented, grassroots-democratic and progressive body through new impulses. The aim is not only to further develop the internal work of the Sejm, but also to initiate positive developments outside its body.


Ilona Urbanojc (spokesperson), Měrćin Wałda, Johannes Heimrath, Jadwiga Pjacec, Klaws Thielmann

Commissioning on Finances


Aneta Zahrodnikowa (spokesperson), Mêrćin Wałda